Here in Colorado Springs they have preschool through the public schools that is FREE! Ashlyn and I were thrilled when we recieved the phone call in July that her application had been accepted and that she made it in!!! In fact, Ashlyn was quite upset with me when I showed her on the calender that she had to wait a whole month to go.

Ashlyn has loved every minute of school so far. I am so grateful that she gets to go because she craves activities and projects and I am just not very creative or good at providing those as much as I should. The biggest problem is that Lincoln hates dropping her off - not because he is going to miss her, but because her classroom looks so fun and he wants to stay every time. I don't imagine that it's going to get any less enticing for him either - especially because he does get to go every once in awhile. They have lunch bunch once a month and so it's especially hard right after that! She goes Monday thru Thursday from 11:45 - 2:30. On the nicer days we walk - it's literally closer to walk than it is to drive! I'm a wimp in the cold though - plus I don't want to freeze my sweet baby!
Here in Colorado Springs they have preschool through the public schools that is FREE! Ashlyn and I were thrilled when we recieved the phone call in July that her application had been accepted and that she made it in!!! In fact, Ashlyn was quite upset with me when I showed her on the calender that she had to wait a whole month to go.