Lincoln and Michael went on the Father & Son's campout. Michael didn't have work or school that Friday so they actually went up a night early. A funny story that happened was that Lincoln picked up something (food maybe? I don't remember) Friday morning and Michael told him that it was yucky and to put it in the fire. Lincoln kept himself entertained by finding yucky stuff to put in the fire for quite some time. At one point Michael observed that the fire appeared to be dripping. He finally realized that Lincoln had taken their 2 dirty breakfast bowls (non-disposable) and thrown them in the fire!
Michael likes to do things the easy way - no tent setting up for him! They slept in the back of the car.

On Friday night Michael sent me this picture message on his phone telling me that he had cut the tip of his finger off.
To be quite honest, I didn't look at his finger or these pictures until now because it gives me the heeby-jeebies, but now that it is healing quite well it's not nearly as disturbing for me. But at the chance that it might gross some of you out, Michael insisted that I post these next few graphic pics:)
Lincoln and Michael went on the Father & Son's campout. Michael didn't have work or school that Friday so they actually went up a night early. A funny story that happened was that Lincoln picked up something (food maybe? I don't remember) Friday morning and Michael told him that it was yucky and to put it in the fire. Lincoln kept himself entertained by finding yucky stuff to put in the fire for quite some time. At one point Michael observed that the fire appeared to be dripping. He finally realized that Lincoln had taken their 2 dirty breakfast bowls (non-disposable) and thrown them in the fire!
