So the kids and I got back from our long trip on Wednesday evening and said goodbye to our good friends the Murdock's as they finished loading their Uhaul to move to Utah. Thursday morning we got up and packed for a 3 day camping trip with the Grover's. We headed up to Rampart Range Reservoir and had a great time. Amber always takes great pictures and these first few I stole from her blog - thanks Amber!
Ashlyn and Lincoln cuddling in the morning in my favorite camping chair.

Maely and the kids were having a great time playing in the hammock. It kept them entertained for quite awhile!
Love the joy on her face!

Lincoln never looks this somber at home, but he often does away from home when he's in new situations.
Maely and Ashlyn have been friends for three years now! And they are getting ready to leave us for Utah too :(
So the kids and I got back from our long trip on Wednesday evening and said goodbye to our good friends the Murdock's as they finished loading their Uhaul to move to Utah. Thursday morning we got up and packed for a 3 day camping trip with the Grover's. We headed up to Rampart Range Reservoir and had a great time. Amber always takes great pictures and these first few I stole from her blog - thanks Amber!
Enjoying smores.

More smores. That's Elliana with a huge marshmallow in her cute little face. She is such a sweet girl. She always makes me feel so loved:)
Adorable Amber with our bathroom on a stick. Dig hole, do business, wipe, cover hole. Same for the kids except we brought the chair part of a porta potty for them to sit on.
That is the sweetest little baby! Both of our boys threw up a few times on the trip - in their beds, but Levi doesn't let that get him down. He is such a sweet happy boy!!
Amber always thinks of the important things - like entertainment for the kids!

We all spent some time at the reservoir, but then Amber and I escaped with the 3 youngest (Lincoln, Elli, and Levi) and went back to camp while Michael and Dan spent some quality daddy time fishing with the kids. Amber and I got all 3 kids to sleep (it was a joint venture - thanks for the help Amber!), and got some much needed R&R. A few hours later when the guys got back I asked how the fishing went. Michael said, "Well, there's some things you just don't do when you're fishing." The kids had a blast playing, screaming, and throwing plenty of rocks into the water to scare the fish away.
She sure is cute anyway though! Oh yeah. I almost forgot. This is the day that Amber saved Ashlyn's life. The water was cold and the bank was steep. All of a sudden I heard noise and looked to where Ashlyn was. (Amber was with all of the kids and I was scouting for a picnic place away from the group). When I looked all I could see was Ashlyn face down in the water. Amber grabbed her so fast and got herself wet, but I was so grateful! The place where we were got deep pretty fast and it could have turned bad quickly. Heavenly Father was watching over us and Amber was His instrument. Thank you both!
Amber thinks up entertainment for the kids, and Michael and Dan usually come up with something to keep themselves entertained.
My sweet, sweet baby. This is his "always have my tongue poking out" stage.
We found this cool teepee the first day. There were plenty of sticks lying near that indicated it had seen better days. Just makes you wonder who built it and why . . .

One other funny thing I remember - our two families drove separately up to Woodland Park. There Amber and I went grocery shopping and the guys headed up to find a camping site. They had really poor cell phone reception, but were able to get through to us for a short time. Dan was giving me directions, and like I do with Michael, I was repeating everything to Amber. I am not very good at remembering the details, and so I count on Michael for that. We soon lost the call, and were headed into the forest. I started asking Amber things like, "Did he say turn right or left and the stop sign?" and she had no clue . . . she is just like me and relies on her husband to remember the details. We thought that was pretty funny. After some silent prayers, and a kind ranger of some sort we finally made it to camp:)