5/26 - It's sad when your son is wearing more pink than your daughter - he loves coats and shoes and this is what happened to be handy. He puts on whatever shoes are availalbe, and it's usually Ashlyn's - this time it was mine. It's also easier for him to put on Ashlyn's shoes that his own because they're bigger. Good news - I picked him up some new shoes for the fall that are a bigger size, and now he puts those on instead:)
6/1 - Ashlyn loves Levi, as she always has, and he likes her back now. She's much gentler, and maybe he's just a little more sure of himself in this world now. Ashlyn thinks it's funny when she cuddles with him like this because he sucks on her arm.

My sweet babes!

6/5 - This picture was taken by Michael, but you can pretend it's him because he climbed it too. Michael is in his 4th week of full-time school now, and I signed him up for a rock climbing class. Alyssa and I took a few PE classes together at BYU and it was such a nice break from the grind. Michael LOVES rock climbing and hasn't done as much of it since we got married, so he is really enjoying himself. This school stuff has been a transition for everyone. For the past 3 years he has gotten home from UPS around 9:00 or 9:30 a.m., and now he goes straight to school and we don't see him until 3:00 or 4:00 p.m. Then dinner, and bed for Dad and the kids at 7:00 p.m. He is working hard and we are so proud of him. He is mostly working on his generals, with a few computer classes mixed in. He hasn't quite decided which direction he's going with computers - there are so many choices!

6/6 - This cracked me up. Michael put a sprinkler on the lawn for the first time this season, and came back inside. Not 2 minutes later, we discovered that Lincoln had pulled it up onto the trampoline. It wasn't even hot out that day!

6/6 - I LOVE garage sales!!!! Colorado Springs is the best when it comes to Friday and Saturday morning bargains. One of my first sales of the season I got totally hooked up. A lady had 4 1/2 boxes of nursing pads for FREE! There wasn't anything else too appealing for me at her sale, but I bought a few shirts for the kids so I could at least give her a dollar. 
6/9 - It's always quite obvious when Ashlyn is up to no good. I opened her door and she quickly put her hand behind her back, which was holding a pencil. She informed me that this meant, "No Boys" allowed on her bed. Not a bad message:) It gave me quite a good laugh.
6/14 - Today! Levi kinda had a rough day today - lots of fussin' and cryin'. I'll chalk it up to teething or general growing pains (it must hurt sometimes, right?). He finally settled down this evening and looked so cute sitting in this big chair all by himself that I had to get the camera! He discovered his feet this week - I just love that. He also rolls from his front to his back and is really close going back to front. He can turn in circles really well - it's always so funny when he is facing the opposite way from where I laid him in his crib. He's also really good at getting his legs stuck in the crib slats, so I've been trying to barricade him on the other side.
And the super-great news is that he finally drank from a bottle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have not had any luck with that at all until yesterday when I was working in the yard and asked Michael to give it a try. He did it, so today when he was fussy, I tried again and he drank 4 oz!!! I hope he has finally figured it out!!
My sweet babes!
6/5 - This picture was taken by Michael, but you can pretend it's him because he climbed it too. Michael is in his 4th week of full-time school now, and I signed him up for a rock climbing class. Alyssa and I took a few PE classes together at BYU and it was such a nice break from the grind. Michael LOVES rock climbing and hasn't done as much of it since we got married, so he is really enjoying himself. This school stuff has been a transition for everyone. For the past 3 years he has gotten home from UPS around 9:00 or 9:30 a.m., and now he goes straight to school and we don't see him until 3:00 or 4:00 p.m. Then dinner, and bed for Dad and the kids at 7:00 p.m. He is working hard and we are so proud of him. He is mostly working on his generals, with a few computer classes mixed in. He hasn't quite decided which direction he's going with computers - there are so many choices!
6/6 - This cracked me up. Michael put a sprinkler on the lawn for the first time this season, and came back inside. Not 2 minutes later, we discovered that Lincoln had pulled it up onto the trampoline. It wasn't even hot out that day!
6/6 - I LOVE garage sales!!!! Colorado Springs is the best when it comes to Friday and Saturday morning bargains. One of my first sales of the season I got totally hooked up. A lady had 4 1/2 boxes of nursing pads for FREE! There wasn't anything else too appealing for me at her sale, but I bought a few shirts for the kids so I could at least give her a dollar.
This was quite the lucky stumble-upon. I was at a sale that didn't have my kind of prices (My fave's are when the clothes are $.25, but I will pay up to a dollar if I really love it). I was about to go when I spotted a bumbo for $2. I asked the lady how much it was (with her other prices, it couldn't be right!) and she said $2. At the same time as I shouted "I'll take it!", her neighbor who is also a young mother said, "What?! Those are $40 new, and $20 on Craigslist!!" The seller was surprised that she had just given it away (as she put it), but I didn't offer to pay more. (If she had asked for more, I would have negotiated) but as it stood, I gave her my $2 and got outta there:) Look how happy Levi is to be the proud owner of a bumbo!
6/9 - It's always quite obvious when Ashlyn is up to no good. I opened her door and she quickly put her hand behind her back, which was holding a pencil. She informed me that this meant, "No Boys" allowed on her bed. Not a bad message:) It gave me quite a good laugh.
Thank you sooo much for posting all of the adorable pics - the kids are all getting so big!!!! Oh I just want to snuggle Levi so bad - what a babe!
You are awesome and I am so glad that the transition to school is going well! Love ya!