Sweet Little Levi

Just a quick picture I snapped on our way out the door to church today. He is such a cute baby - at least that's what everyone tells me! (Forever ago, Sister Roy said shame on me for not putting more pics of him on here - I'll try to do better!)
Here's a cute story: Remember how he had a haircut when he was 3 weeks old? Well, the bald spot on the back of his head is now complete, but about 2 weeks ago when Ashlyn first noticed it, she said, "Oh no! Tiffani's haircut is making his hair fall out!"


Mom said…
Such a cute kid! Love all the pics and the description of Ashlyn. See you all in a week!
sara said…
What a happy [cute] kid!!! Wow.

That is funny about the bald spot. -Gotta love those! :)

The Denver temple looks beautiful.

LOVE Ashlyn's b-day cake and her party looked awesome!
beckstarr said…
Ohh my heavens, I have the funniest thing to tell you (I should've told you while you were here-- I'm sure you were confused!). When you guys stayed over, I'm sure that you heard Hannah screaming it up 2 or 3 times in the night (so so so sorry), and so when Ashlyn woke up, and stood at the top of the stairs crying, I thought it was Hannah, and in my tired state, I just opened the door, and said, "ohh honey, you're just having a hard night, huh?". So I grabbed her hand to bring her in to sleep with me, and I realized she was actually crying, so I picked her up (still oblivious to the fact that it wasn't Hannah) and said "Are you crying? She said yea, and when I asked why, she said "because I want my mommy". Only then did I realize that it was Ashlyn, and I took her back out where I met up with a very confused momma (Hahahaha I die retelling this story). I was gonna put her in bed with me! hehee. SO SO sorry. I'm sure that was confusing. Sweet Ashlyn, she just thought I was gonna take care of her. Man. We loved your visit, and are so happy you guys could stop over before continuing on! Let me know you guys got home safe!
Kristi said…
Hey JHK! We are excited to see pics of youe vaycay!!!! I hope that it was awesome!!!

Such a cute baby... I really wish you lived closer!
Kristi said…
Ok - I agree w/ Sister Roy - you need to put up more pics! By the time I see him in real life he will be so HUGE!