What are your favorite, kindest pregnancy foods? Yep, I'm 8 weeks and hungry, nauseous, and yucky feeling. Some of you already know this - after all, my mom did announce it in her Relief Society's "good news moment" 3 weeks ago:) I didn't mind at all, but just thought it was funny. We've seen the baby on ultra-sound so so-far, so-good! My doctor is just awsome - Dr. Baer for those in the Springs. Even Michael really likes him. I'm excited because his current gift to his patients is a FREE 3-D ultra-sound around 23 weeks or so (in addition to the normal 20-week ultra-sound).
I spent the last week at Girl's Camp. I was so nervous about the pukey factor because there was no running water at our campground and I really was not wanting to hug on a porta potty. Lucky for me I didn't throw up until the drive home - with all 3 members of our Stake Presidency!! They were all very kind & understanding, but it was still a bit embarrassing!
I spent the last week at Girl's Camp. I was so nervous about the pukey factor because there was no running water at our campground and I really was not wanting to hug on a porta potty. Lucky for me I didn't throw up until the drive home - with all 3 members of our Stake Presidency!! They were all very kind & understanding, but it was still a bit embarrassing!
I will call you re foods but basically you know how I am... no food for 6 months or so;)
Are you still up for us visiting????
I/We are very excited for you!
My Mom has a lot of good remedies for the nauseous part...peppermint tea, or a lemongrass mixture. Alli can tell you if she liked the peppermint thing or not, I thought she did, but maybe not...If you want the details just email me! As far as foods...Chris always says I would make him get me three crackers and half a glass of milk before I would get out of bed, or in the middle of the night.
I knew a lady that would cut an orange open and hold it to her face while driving if she had to go somewhere but didn't feel good.
good luck!