I Need Your Help!

What are your favorite, kindest pregnancy foods? Yep, I'm 8 weeks and hungry, nauseous, and yucky feeling. Some of you already know this - after all, my mom did announce it in her Relief Society's "good news moment" 3 weeks ago:) I didn't mind at all, but just thought it was funny. We've seen the baby on ultra-sound so so-far, so-good! My doctor is just awsome - Dr. Baer for those in the Springs. Even Michael really likes him. I'm excited because his current gift to his patients is a FREE 3-D ultra-sound around 23 weeks or so (in addition to the normal 20-week ultra-sound).

I spent the last week at Girl's Camp. I was so nervous about the pukey factor because there was no running water at our campground and I really was not wanting to hug on a porta potty. Lucky for me I didn't throw up until the drive home - with all 3 members of our Stake Presidency!! They were all very kind & understanding, but it was still a bit embarrassing!


Kristi said…
YAY!!! I am so glad you are announcing it now;) I can't believe they do a 3D ultrasound - how cool!!! I am also glad that they do the early one there too - is this the same Dr you had Lincoln with?

I will call you re foods but basically you know how I am... no food for 6 months or so;)

Are you still up for us visiting????
Luikart Family said…
I am so thrilled for you. At this rate, we'll never catch up with you. As far as my favorite pregnancy foods, ginger ale and cereal all the way! Good luck. I hate throwing up in front of people. My not-so-favorite experience with throwing up is driving. :) Love you!
Carbonneau said…
I/We are very excited for you!
My Mom has a lot of good remedies for the nauseous part...peppermint tea, or a lemongrass mixture. Alli can tell you if she liked the peppermint thing or not, I thought she did, but maybe not...If you want the details just email me! As far as foods...Chris always says I would make him get me three crackers and half a glass of milk before I would get out of bed, or in the middle of the night.
I knew a lady that would cut an orange open and hold it to her face while driving if she had to go somewhere but didn't feel good.
good luck!
Jana said…
Congrats!!! Preg & I don't get along at all and let me tell you the only thing that comes up the same as going down: Chocolate milk. Good luck!
Lindsay said…
Yay-congratulations!! :)
Melissa said…
Congratulations!! You guys have such a cute family. Ashlyn looks so much like Michael to me...too cute!! I love your bows, you are SO talented ;)
Melissa said…
I think you should just stick to oreo's and milk. That seems like a good idea to me. :) LOVE YA
CONGRATULATIONS! There's nothing better than a sweet little newborn! Good luck with your pregnancy, I hope you start feeling better!