New Beginnings

For the last couple of weeks I was busy planning New Beginnings - our Personal Progress Pep Rally - with the other counselor in Young Womens. (Amber, our amazing YW President has been on leave with her beautiful new baby girl.) This picture doesn't show much at all, but the whole night was really fun. We started by introducing the coaches (leaders), the rookies (new beehives), and our MVP's (most value-able players - the 7 YW values). We also introduced our seasoned, accomplished players - the 5 medallion holders. That part was really fun because we played "Let's Get Ready to Rumble" as they ran in through a butcher paper poster while some audience members sprayed silly string on them (that part was Michael's idea!). We had some skits, a pep rally game that taught us about being steadfast & immovable (the church wide theme for the youth this year), and some great speakers. Everyone dressed in sports attire - even our Bishop came in his Broncos sweats:) The whole night just turned out really well - especially the tailgate food which included delicious buffalo chicken wings made by Michelle. I love the feeling after a night like that - especially when my dear husband was so helpful in executing the set-up and music. Thanks honey! One last note - we have some of the most amazing Young Women in the Ridgeview Ward and I love them!


Carbonneau said…
what a CUTE idea!! I love it! we had a beach theme and the girls did a role play with a limbo bar...they had to have high standards to have the limbo bar high enough to go was fun too.
Kristi said…
That is adorable! What a great idea!
Melissa said…
Way to go I am so proud of you! You rock at taking charge and doing things for people. Love Ya
Jana said…
Very good idea... might have to use that one?! Sports theme... tailgate food... music... sports attire... sounds like a night of fun!