I've never been a huge fan of cheerleaders in general, but when the costume is $2 and it fits, you go with it! We had a good time. We trick-or-treated at Wal-Mart which Ashlyn enjoyed because it was pretty quiet. She didn't mind yelling "trick-or-treat" at all when the goody baskets were un-manned. She got much quieter if she actually had to say it to a live person. When we got to the trunk-or-treat her "trick-or-treat" was just above a silent whisper with all the costumed craziness going on all around her - not to mention that it was also dark by then which she is no longer fond of. On the rare occasion that we go somewhere together in the evening she constantly says, "Oh no! Too dark! Need lights!"

Did you and Michael dress up also?
You do such a great job with this site.
Love you