We had Ashlyn's party a few days before her actual birthday (4/12) because Maely & Kadeson were leaving the state and we just couldn't have a party with out them! This is the best pic out of about 12 that we took before the guests arrived:)
Cathy Leavitt made this adorable princess cake for Ashlyn (I paid her with hair bows for her granddaughters) and Ashlyn loved it!
We had a tea party which always involves dressing up - I love this pic of Ashlyn helping Maely.
I asked Amber to teach the kids about manners - she's so good at stuff like that. I'm afraid that day may have been the first time Ashlyn heard me say the word manners. Don't get me wrong, Ashlyn & Lincoln both say "please" and "thank you", but I just had never talked to them about manners, so I had to have Amber show me how:)
Ashlyn's favorite part was getting to actually put sugary liquid into her tea pot. That was another reason for doing the tea party. She had gotten to have a tea party at the Grover's and the Neilson's house, but I had never had one with her (I know - such a sad story!).
Lincoln, Elli, Kade, Megan, Maely, Ashlyn, Sam, and Elizabeth. Thanks for coming everyone! And thanks Julie & Amber for all of your help!
We love our sweet Ashlyn girl. She is such a joy!
We love our sweet Ashlyn girl. She is such a joy!
- She is not very shy anymore. I already talked about how awesome she did giving her first talk in primary and now she thinks she can do anything. She begged today to share her testimony again in Sacrament meeting (I didn't get to see because I was in the mother's lounge:(
- She is a little organizer - very opposite of Lincoln. She like to put things in little stacks and piles.
- Sometimes we call her a little bag lady because she'll load up her stroller with the strangest assortment of things and keep it that way for as long as she can keep Lincoln from dumping it:)
- She loves to "read" her scriptures. We have a pocket size Book of Mormon that she has claimed as her own and she will open it up and tell us stories she knows about Jesus.
- People are always telling me what a sweet personality she has.
- She loves TV (not my favorite thing, but it sure can come in handy!)
- She likes to be in charge (in my "rememberance book" when I was 5, my mom called it bossy!)
- She LOVES her pink blankie and her thumb.
- She loves to cuddle.
- She's smart in many ways, but also at getting what she wants. Recently I told her that she could watch TV while Lincoln was taking his nap. Awhile later I came downstairs and she was watching TV. She informed me that she had read Lincoln 5 stories, and put him down for his nap. He was sound asleep in his bed!
- She loves to read, jump on the trampoline, play on the computer, play games, draw, color, paint, cook, read, go on walks, ride her bikes, roller skate and play with her friends.
We love you Ashlyn!