$1 will get you most of a happy birthday banner at the dollar store.
Lincoln has blown fire out plenty of times, but got a little gun shy after we all sang to him. I love how Maely is showing him how to blow in this picture.
The story goes like this: We were gonna go to Chuck E. Cheese on Saturday for Lincoln's birthday with the Grovers, but we were a little concerned about it being crowded. When I stopped by Chuck E. Cheese on Friday afternoon to check it out, it wasn't crowded at all. After a phone call to Michael and Amber, we decided to go for it right then instead. The result? A store bought cake with pink decoration frosting. At least I had the lady write Happy Birthday in blue, right? As was my original plan to be thrifty, we ate pizza, cake, and ice cream at home, and then went just to play at Chuck E. Cheese (their pizza isn't that good anyway, right?)
The birthday boy
This is my favorite kiddie ride there - looks like Ashlyn agrees!
I think one family of friends was plenty for Lincoln - there's 6 kids! (Levi not pictured here) This was as close as we could get Ashlyn to Chuck E. Huge mechanical mice can be pretty intimidating!
Lincoln is a fun 2 year old, but he is also much more of a 2 year old than Ashlyn ever was, if you catch my drift. He can be quite the fireball but we love him to pieces.
- He talks a lot more than Ashlyn did at this age, and I'm sure it's because she has taught him so much. Here are some of my favorites. I tend to exaggerate, and sometimes say, "I almost died" when I stumble, etc. One day (months ago now) Lincoln was jumping on my bed and purposely landed on his bottom and said, "died!" He still does that now.
- He is so cute when he says, "Ewwww, gross!"
- He always wants you to see what he's doing. He'll often yell "Mom!" or "Daddy!" before he performs his stunts.
- He is a climber, climber, climber. He is always on the table, the back of the couch, the stair railings, and us.
- He eats sand. This drives me nuts! We have a huge sandbox, and I loved it for Ashlyn. Now I want to get rid of it. The second Lincoln gets outside it's in his hair, in his mouth, and in his diaper. One day I was out there with them while they were eating lunch. He had a sandwich in one hand, and with the other tried to shovel a spoonful of sand in his mouth. Weird kid! (The doc says he's just being a boy!)
- He is Levi's favorite sibling. Mostly because Lincoln isn't as interested in him as Ashlyn is. Lincoln will just come give him a hug and kiss and then go on about his business.
- He says good prayers (with help)! He folds his arms really cute too - he folds them and then puts them up by his eyes to help close his eyes, but it also allows him to sneak food into his mouth at the dinner table during the blessing.
- He is a "dumper". As my friend taught me, some kids are "pickers" and some are "dumpers". Lincoln doesn't feel like he has played with toys in a basket until they have been dumped out and kicked around all over the room. And then he goes to the next thing that needs dumping.
- I guess that would make him a mover too. Nothing belongs where mom or dad puts it. Whatever and wherever it is, he thinks it needs to be carried, thrown or kicked to anywhere else in the house. One time Michelle babysat him and said that he was into everything more than she had seen any other kid. She has 6 kids, so that's gotta say something!
- He loves his family and we love him!
Happy Birthday Buddy!