This picture is the real deal. That's John & Sarah's 15 month old, Alaina soaring high from her daddy's arms. Nice pic Michael!

My dad's birthday is the 18th, Michael's is the 19th, John's is the 21st, and Brandon's is the 28th.
Story time with Papa.
Family pictures Sunday morning, courtesy of Brandon's camera and Melissa's boyfriends finger to push the button:) (Don't you just love Ashlyn's enthusiasm for this charade?)
That's the end of the pics for now, but we had quite a few other enjoyable times. Kristi hosted a little open house for Bugaboo Girl (thanks Kristi!!!) that went quite well, and Nana watched the kids overnight so Michael and I could go down to the Mesa temple (thanks for the place to sleep Brandon). It was so nice to not worry about hurrying back to the kids like you do when it's a friend watching them. We also got to visit Grandma & Grandpa Benich in Cornville.
We got to spend some nice time with the Kuhns' too. Siana surprised Michael with a birthday cheesecake (his favorite) and Jelly Belly's (another favorite treat). Michael's 2 brother's Scott & Ryan both live in Flagstaff so we got to hang out with them too. We missed Kristen though! She hasn't lived there for awhile, but she was always there everytime we were there in the past so it was weird having her so far away in Oregon! And of course we missed Shannah's family too - can't wait to see them this coming summer in Colorado.
Anyway, there's my second post for September, and there were even pictures!
Your kids get cuter and cuter.