I am finally in a journaling mood, and every one is settled nicely into bed so I am finally going for it. It's been awhile since I've written down any happenings, so this entry will probably be all over the place.

It was such a nice Sabbath day today. Fast Sundays have always been among my favorites. Even as a youth - fasting and all - I loved testimony meeting and thought it was called fast Sunday because Sacrament meeting went so much faster because of getting to hear everyone's testimonies. Today was no exception. It was my turn to stay in the meeting while Michael took Lincoln out (he just gets too noisy and milk & crackers only occupy his mouth for so long), and Ashlyn was pretty good today so I just enjoyed it. Then, I had my first opportunity to teach Relief Society. The YW was reorganized last month so we all got released and I am now the 2nd counselor in RS. I was so confused at first - I've never really been in RS (I don't really count my college wards because that's kinda like YW for college girls, ya know?) However, I am really enjoying being in RS and the lessons taught each Sunday. I loved YW too, but I seriously have done those same lessons over and over - they are the same manuals from when I was in high school, and I have taught them each at least twice. I like teaching on Fast Sunday - after announcments/opening exercises, and in order to leave time for time for testimonies, I only had 15 minutes. That works for me!

This afternoon was nice too. As happens most Sundays, we got home, I put Lincoln down for his nap, I put myself down for my nap, and when I woke up 2 hours later, dinner was ready and waiting. Michael has made Sunday dinner more often than not for most of the time we've lived in Colorado (I seriously can't remember if that happened in Flagstaff or not - although there were plenty of times he cooked there too regardless of if it was Sunday or not). I love Sundays! After dinner we just had a great time with the kids. Mostly I enjoyed watching Michael be able to give them so much attention. He loves to do it, but it's not always possible with work. He's been having some nice success with his online stores, but it sure keeps him busy!

In two more Sundays, Lincoln will be legal nursery age!!! Hooray! Michael and I have traded off for the Sunday School hour for months now. He is just too noisy and restless after Sacrament meeting, so one of us misses every week. I have taken him in the nursery a few different times, but that has given me a glimpse of what's to come in two weeks. The few times I have left him in nursery to do something (like run Ashlyn to the potty) he completely freaks out when he realizes I am gone. Ashlyn had such an easy transition to nursery that I was taken by surprise. I had seen plenty of kids in the ward go through a really rough time with making the adjustment, and Ashlyn had me fooled into thinking it would always be a breeze. It will be interesting, but I am hoping it doesn't take too long for him to be comfortable.

In just under 2 weeks we will be taking our first vacation of the year! We are going home to Flagstaff. It doesn't really seem like it's been that long since we were last there, but we are all excited to visit. I think Ashlyn is the most excited though - she misses her Nana!

Lincoln is trying to talk more and more. He has a few words down pretty well - Mama, Dadda, food, ball, pane (plane), and I know there are others. The airport is not too far from here and so we have planes flying over hourly. Lincoln notices every single one when he is outside. On Saturday one flew over much closer to our house and lower so it looked huge. It was so cute because as usual he was pointing at it and said plane, but then over and over he said, "WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW!" He was so excited by it and I loved it:) Ashlyn is such a good big sister (most of the time) and they play together pretty well. Lincoln has also really started loving books over the past few months and that has been a lot of fun as well.

I guess that's it for now! Hopefully I'll get some pics up here before too much longer.

Oh, I wanted to mention too that I read all of your blogs regularly on my google reader - I am a naughty non-commenter even though there of plenty of times I probably should. What a bad blog friend!


Melissa said…
Yay! I am so glad to hear what you guys have been up to. I love fast Sundays too, always have been my fave ;) That is so sweet Michael makes Sunday dinner, what a great guy. Good luck in RS...sounds like me. I was loving being in the YW for only a year when I was called to the RS. I just got released last week. Give those precious little ones a hug for me.
Ali said…
I'm so glad you're alive!!! And congratulations! Boy names are much easier for us. The hardest part is narrowing it down from 12 to 1. No, I'm not pregnant, but before we knew Alisa was a girl we thought of a million boy names! Good luck! How fun for you! :o) Glad you're posting and thanks for the Sabbath Day reflections. I Love Sundays! Post pictures soon!
Anonymous said…
I just talked to you guys, but love to see the updates on the blog. I sometimes feel like i'm a blog stalker....
glad you all are doing well. give those kids a squeeze from aunt shannah. We love you!
fünf said…
hey CS,
How's it going? Been thinking about you a lot lately. We've grown so much apart! (sniff) Why don't we keep in touch better. I miss you.
Oh puke! I hate fast Sundays. Come on Jennifer! Maybe I'm not doing it right! ha ha ha