Ashlyn's Poor Little Bum

Ashlyn had her most serious accident to date today. Luckily, it wasn't too serious at all, but she did end up with 10 stitches in her left cheek.


AmberN225 said…
Oh NO!! What happened!?! I hope she's doing okay!!
Kristi said…
AWWW poor girl! I hope she is ok! No sitting for a while?

You have been up to so much fun stuff! I love that childrens museum! I am getting really excited to come up there... :)
Jana said…
Oh, poor little buns!
fünf said…
Ok, you can't just say your daughter got 10 stitches in her BUM of all places and not say how!
We are all STILL waiting to hear about your poor daughters bum!!:) Loved ALL the guys seem to be having a BLAST lately! LOVE IT!